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Healthy Perspectives Wellness Center
Live Your Best Life!
Call Today 928-472-7120
Cindy Bryant, CNHP, FIfHI
616 S. Beeline Hwy, Ste. 2, Payson, AZ 85541

The best defense you have is your own immune system.
If you would like a customized protocol tailored specifically to you and your challenges, give us a call to schedule an appointment. If you already know what works best for you, come in and shop in the Clinic store Tues- 9-5, Wed-Thu 9-4. Or, call 928-472-7120.

Meet Cindy
Our Philosophy
Our approach is to take into consideration all aspects of an individual to discover the root causes of imbalances in the body that manifest as “dis-ease”. Every person is a whole being whose health and best quality of life is affected by:
Nutrition = What a person puts in their body
Emotional Well-being = Habits of thought & Learned behaviors
Environment = What a person puts on their body, absorbs through their skin, and what they are exposed to in their physical environment
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