Healthy Perspectives Wellness Center
Live Your Best Life!
Call Today 928-472-7120
Cindy Bryant, CNHP, FIfHI
616 S. Beeline Hwy, Ste. 2, Payson, AZ 85541

Elderberry Health Benefits
The berries and flowers of Elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too.
Some experts recommend Elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu-like symptoms.
In our office, Cindy Bryant, CNHP often suggests Elderberry syrup or powder to help those experiencing the effects of various “unwanted” pathogens in their bodies. Those sneaky little villains out there are looking for a vulnerable target. The pathogens are overcome from the additional fire power provided by our army fighting immune system.
The quality and way Elderberry is processed DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Healthy Perspectives Wellness Center offers 2 types of Elderberry; Organic Elderberry Syrup and Organic Elderberry Powder.
Our Vimergy Elderberry Syrup is 100% USDA organic and super high potency. It’s made from elderberry juice extract rather than just boiled elderberries. This means the juice is extracted out of the whole elderberries (where the nutrients are contained) and it's then concentrated into a 16:1 extract. So, super high potency, superior quality, and provides 15,040mg herbal equivalency of organic, fresh elderberries in every 1 teaspoon serving (POWERFUL!).
In addition, Vimergy Elderberry Syrup also contains 100mg of buffered Vitamin C in each serving! This gives you an additional immune boost and is an easy way for you to get some extra Vitamin C into you, your family and your children. Buffered Vitamin C is easy on the stomach and easy to digest, so it's a great choice for sensitive people or for anyone. Along with the Vitamin C, the elderberry syrup also contains organic mulberry extract too! Berries, including mulberries, are a source of antioxidants.
Many elderberry syrups on the market will often dilute their elderberry syrup with water and make their syrup with cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or agave. Vimergy Elderberry Syrup is made with organic raw honey and never includes processed sugars, flavors, citric acid, alcohol, or other fillers or additives. It also doesn't contain artificial or natural flavors, and is gluten-free, non-GMO, corn-free, and soy-free (doesn’t get better than that)!
Our Terrasoul Elderberry Powder is made from Organic freeze-dried Elderberries. This process keeps the vitamin-rich superfood nutrients and antioxidants in a powerhouse form that helps block every punch from those pathogens!
Both the Elderberry syrup and/or powder works great added to smoothies or made as a drink or tea. If using the powder and using as a tea add a teaspoon of RAW honey – YUMMMM!
So, another tool in your arsenal to keep your army fighting immune system primed and ready-to-go.
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